(or until time runs out)
Get in NOW For Only 2 Payments of $539
(split over 30 days)
*the final $1500 isn’t due until AFTER you land $10K*
Get in NOW For Only 1 Payment of $1K
(single payment)
*the final $1500 isn’t due until AFTER you land $10K*
Dear Rockstar Entrepreneur,
Ben here! And I have a BIG Question for you…
Would it be useful to YOU – to readily bring in an extra $10k in 10 days?
What if you knew this one simple trick that requires no SEO or ranking or anything complicated?
And… What if this one simple thing didn’t require you to “hard sell” anything?
In fact… Once you know how to do this, don’t be surprised if you will have to turn deals away!
Let’s take a little journey away from “renting sites” and “landlording” for a moment…
There is an easy-to-follow and easy-to-scale process that can turn about 40-minutes of effort into $500-$1000 over and over again by helping local businesses get customers.
This process is NOT our standard “rank n rent” stuff. This process is very specific and requires very little effort and you can repeat it over and over again for quick moolah.
We call it the “EZ Win Method” and it gets you paid super FAST…
Ever since the current events began, we started running this new approach and – despite all the “doom and gloom” – businesses urgently need help and this method gives them the help they so desperately need – and the best part is it gets you paid $500-$1000 each time without needing anything more than a few minutes of your time, the ability to follow a specific step-by-step plan, a computer, and an internet connection…
Do you wanna be able to collect $10k in the next 10 days?
Heck… would even half that be helpful to you?
Yes? Awesome!
Here is the way this is gonna go down…
We have put together a very detailed 4-week mastery coaching program.
In this intensive program, you will…
* Get the exact map and blueprint of what to offer
* Learn the detailed step-by-step process of how to position it – so you get paid fast
* Know exactly who wants it and who to sell it to
* Confidently be able to get $500-$1000 on-demand over and over again with no more than a couple hours of effort
* Have the power to pull in $10k+ in just 10 days – and we will give you ALL the fuel you need to make that happen!
But… There is a catch!
This is NOT some randomly thrown together videos where you just watch and figure it out alone.
This is a carefully crafted program. And we want to be directly involved with you.
You will be held accountable and coached in a close environment with us.
Because there is only so much time – we are only opening this for only 30 people.
Sorry… That’s it.
And we can’t make any promises that we will do this program ever again.
You probably already know that we RARELY do these programs. But when we do, 2 things are consistent:
1. We normally do these intensive programs for $5k to $10k+
2. They fill up fast – EVERY SINGLE TIME
Because we only want to work with the RIGHT people. And because we are so highly confident that this is the real deal, we decided to put our own money where our mouths are…
Here is what we are gonna do for the 30 people who join us…
We are gonna do a “Rockstar Scholarship” Where we are setting the admission at just $2,500
(but there is a BIG KICKER)…
You can join this program for only $1k to get in!
And you will only cover the remainder of the tuition AFTER you land your next $10k in deals from following the system.
Now, we are making a bet and putting our faith in you (and ourselves) – and we already know it’s a good bet.
Again… instead of $2,500 all upfront, your admission is only $1k to join and the rest – on the honor system – is only due AFTER you successfully land your next $10k in deals using what you learn over the next 4 weeks.
How’s that for confidence?
But… There is one final catch!
Do NOT even think about joining if you…
* Are not coachable
* Are not interested in being held accountable
* Are unable to commit to putting in the required effort
Still here?
Let’s do this!
Grab your spot NOW – before it fills up.
Copyright © [y] 2RockStars. All Rights Reserved.
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